Well, guess I got busy with the holidays and also was without the internet for a week and a half due to a power outage. How did I stand it? :) I did get about 6 books read with my trusty penlight. I had found a link to an interval training site where it explained a good fat burning workout where you superset different exercises and move quickly with short rests. This is designed to be less efficient which is what you want for fat burning.
When I was at the bookstore, I found the book The New Rules of Lifting by Lou Schuler and Alwyn Cosgrove. I found that they like doing many of the same exercises Laura has trained me to do, such as deadlifts, squats, lunges and others. Lou says there is no 'dork factor' in using a clipboard, so I made up my own spread sheet with the Fat burning exercises and will take to the gym with me. I'll be able to write in how much weight I'm using which is good because I can't remember diddly squat. Somehow, Laura remembers what weight to give me but I don't pay any attention. I only made about 3 modifications.
Monday night, Workout B
Step ups/Dumbbell incline bench press
Bulgarian split squat/lat pull down
Romanian deadlift (straight legs)/swiss ball side crunches
Wednesday night, Workout A
Barbell squats/ Standing rows
Swiss ball supine hip extension/dumbbell push press (slight squat)
Rotational lunge/swiss ball crunch 8lb medicine ball
I do this routine from Jan 3 through Feb 12 and then move on to the Fat Burning II workout. The Fat burning III has a 4 exercise giant set. Let's see if I can make it to that.
Tuesdays I'll do the high/low intensity cardio (1 minute fast, 2 minutes slow repeated 3 times to start).
Fridays I still work out with Laura and the girls and then do the afternoon hike. I'll do a walk on Sundays and then either rest or a walk on Thursdays and Saturdays.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Week 17: +1, Total 19

Well thanks to fasting yesterday, I lost 4 of the 5 pounds I gained last week. My fasting blood sugar was 113 compared to 130 yesterday. So I will continue this IF for a while. I will avoid eating out because it makes me hungry. Maybe due to hidden sugars or something else.
We are snowed in today, so I will take a nice walk in the neighborhood this afternoon. It's coooold outside!
For lunch, I'm having a salad of mache (lamb's lettuce) and sliced radishes. I make a viniagrette with a garlic clove smashed with a pinch of course salt. Love that stuff. I guess I'll have some sockeye salmon too. Then I'll skip dinner tonight.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Back to IF
I decided to get back into the intermittent fast today as a way to reign back my appetite. I don't like feeling out of control. Last week and through the weekend, I ate lots of nuts and also made the low carb pumpkin custard. I also ate bread a few times. I do not like the feeling of overeating.
My weight was up to 230 and morning blood sugar was 130.
So it's gone pretty well today. Got hungry a few times, but just kept putting it off and made it through. Looking forward to bone-in pork chops and asparagus for dinner.
I've been reading various articles that remind me about the damage caused by excess insulin. Watching blood sugars is only one part of the story. For example, fructose doesn't make blood sugar rise that much but it gets converted to fat in the liver and contributes to insulin resistance.
Also re-read the chapter about insulin in PPLP. The top 2 things to reduce insulin levels are 1) reducing carbs, 2) lowering calories. So I guess IF does both. I really want to lower my insulin levels in addition to keeping my blood sugar low. Dr. Eades also made a point that having lower insulin levels helps weightloss. So I'm all over that!
I also found Dr. Ron Rosedale's talk about insulin in 1999:
It's best to get fasting insulin levels below 10. I will ask the doc if I can get mine tested (when I get around to making the appointment). I would also like to have my iron levels checked and probably should donate blood.
My weight was up to 230 and morning blood sugar was 130.
So it's gone pretty well today. Got hungry a few times, but just kept putting it off and made it through. Looking forward to bone-in pork chops and asparagus for dinner.
I've been reading various articles that remind me about the damage caused by excess insulin. Watching blood sugars is only one part of the story. For example, fructose doesn't make blood sugar rise that much but it gets converted to fat in the liver and contributes to insulin resistance.
Also re-read the chapter about insulin in PPLP. The top 2 things to reduce insulin levels are 1) reducing carbs, 2) lowering calories. So I guess IF does both. I really want to lower my insulin levels in addition to keeping my blood sugar low. Dr. Eades also made a point that having lower insulin levels helps weightloss. So I'm all over that!
I also found Dr. Ron Rosedale's talk about insulin in 1999:
It's best to get fasting insulin levels below 10. I will ask the doc if I can get mine tested (when I get around to making the appointment). I would also like to have my iron levels checked and probably should donate blood.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Week 16: -1, Total 20

Since August 13, I've lost 3 inches off my waist and hips! I lost 1 inch this last month, but no weight. I'm pleasantly surprised at that. It's motivating to get through Thanksgiving without eating too much bad stuff. I'm not planning on eating anything bad. But I ordered a beef dip sandwhich at a restaurant yesterday and then today I had some bread. I'm not sure why I'm doing that.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Hiked Rattlesnake again
We hiked to Rattlesnake ledge again Friday. It got pretty dark by 4:30 or 5. I should always remember my backpack and head lamp just in case. But it was a nice afternoon.
My blood sugar went from 115 Friday morning to 95 on Saturday morning. My weight is still around 226-227.
Saturday, we had a beautiful sunny day. I finished moving the rest of the compost to the back yard over the sand filter septic system. Then I planted the carex, oxalis and tassel ferns as ground cover. Little by little, there won't be any more grass to mow in the back yard. I have room for 2 Japanese maples. I may try to move one that is vase shaped and getting bigger. But it's close to a gas line, so I may have to just cut it down. I'll have some pathways of beauty bark around and through the yard.
It's all I can do to wait to make the pumpkin mousse. But I've got to cut back on the treats in order to keep losing weight. I've had some winter squash with pork chops. I have one more serving of almonds in the freezer and I won't buy anymore for a while.
I went to a little party last night and was going to have a little wine, but I just had a diet pop instead. Wine always makes my ankles swell up anyway.
My blood sugar went from 115 Friday morning to 95 on Saturday morning. My weight is still around 226-227.
Saturday, we had a beautiful sunny day. I finished moving the rest of the compost to the back yard over the sand filter septic system. Then I planted the carex, oxalis and tassel ferns as ground cover. Little by little, there won't be any more grass to mow in the back yard. I have room for 2 Japanese maples. I may try to move one that is vase shaped and getting bigger. But it's close to a gas line, so I may have to just cut it down. I'll have some pathways of beauty bark around and through the yard.
It's all I can do to wait to make the pumpkin mousse. But I've got to cut back on the treats in order to keep losing weight. I've had some winter squash with pork chops. I have one more serving of almonds in the freezer and I won't buy anymore for a while.
I went to a little party last night and was going to have a little wine, but I just had a diet pop instead. Wine always makes my ankles swell up anyway.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Week 15: -2, Total 19

Lost 2 of the 3 I gained last week. I cut back on low carb treats. I have been having about 2 handfuls of almonds in the evening. One would be sufficient.
I made two soups on Sunday with some grass-fed chuck roast that I cut up into bite-sized pieces. PCC did not have the soup bones on hand, so the soup wasn't as good as last time. One was a beef soup with dinosour kale, leek, squash, carrots and peas. The other was a chili with beef, red peppers, celery and onion and the New Mexico green chiles. It's a little hot, but gets better when I stir in a little cream cheese and cheddar cheese.
I'm going to my brother's for Thanksgiving. I'm planning on taking the low carb pumpkin mousse, either green beans almondine or broccoli puree and maybe some deviled eggs, but they like deviled eggs too. We'll have fun playing games. Hopefully I can get a hike in over the long weekend. Maybe I can get a niece or two to go with me.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Week 14: +3, Total 17

Oh man. I'm getting nowhere fast by having low carb treats. Plus 3 this week. I made a low carb chocolate mousse and I had some nuts. I had some toasted coconut - big shavings of organic coconut which I baked at 300 for about 10 minutes. Next time, I will add that to a coconut custard. I may have eaten some other things I can't even remember. I had some regular bread too.
My morning blood sugars have been between 99 and 108 for the last week. I need to prove to myself I can maintain 85 for a week! I've only maintained that for about 3 days.
I just had one more treat. I wanted to practice some recipes to use on my family when I have them over. I had read about cooking sliced apples separately and then adding to a pie. So here's what I did for a lower carb dessert:
1 sliced Golden Delicious Apple
Melt some butter in a skillet with the heat on medium low. Add the apple. Add cinnamon to taste and a light sprinkle of other spices such as ginger, nutmeg and cloves. Toss with the apple. Cover and cook for a few minutes. Toss and cook another few minutes. Sprinkle about 3 packets of Splenda. Serve warm with a splash of heavy cream.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Week 13: -3, Total 20

Yay, going back down again.
It was tough to get through today at work with the Halloween candy all around me. Especially the Almond Joys! How many times in years past did I eat a few bags of Almond Joy, Snickers and Reeses. Empty wrappers all over. It's ugly to remember and to think of the harm it has done. When one trick-or-treating teenager asked me where my candy was, I just said "It's so bad for you!". The commercialism and greed or hoarding of candy turns me off. Just like Easter when instead of hunting eggs, the kids just greedily run around getting as many as they can. The size of Easter baskets is extreme and now includes gifts. It's just too much, I think.
I did get to the gym Monday. I bumped up the wave machine, like elliptical only an inline skating motion. I was even swinging my arms, pretending I was skating out on the boardwalk by a California beach! I had my heart rate going at around 155 for about 8 minutes and then a cool down. Then I did some upper body and abs on the ball to round out the hour.
I *will* get to the gym tomorrow night for mostly cardio, which I usually hate to do by myself and I talk myself out of going. When I look back on my journal, exercise makes a big difference!
Have to remember my goal of improving my hiking time. Everybody is faster than me and I don't like to make my friends slow down and wait for me. I would like to do more group hikes, but I gotta lose more weight so I can walk faster.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Hike to Poo Poo

We hiked to Poo Poo point from the high school. This was a tough hike. I was huffing, puffing and sweating the whole way up -- total time was about 2.5 hours. But look at the results! I lost the 3 pounds I had gained over the last couple weeks, so now I'm back at my lowest in 3 months. And my blood sugar was 84 today! Whoo hoo.
In 3 months, I've lost a total of 2 inches off my waist and hips.
This time of year, you can't help but think of pumpkin pie. I made this custard as practice yesterday. It tastes so good and sweet! I will take this to my brother's house for Thanksgiving since there will be some borderline diabetics as well as sugar-sensitive kids there.
1 29-ounce can pumpkin puree
sweetner to taste - I used 20 packets or so of Splenda
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon sea salt
4 eggs
1 - 13oz can Coconut milk
Mix and pour into 6 large muffin tins greased with butter. Preheat oven to 425 then turn to 350 and bake for 45 minutes until a knife inserted comes out clean. I froze the individual portions.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Week 12: -0, Total 17

Well, doggone it. I did well eating-wise, but the scale hasn't quite gone down yet. Just barely. It probably will tomorrow! I have been hungry and maybe I ate larger portion sizes or an extra piece of cheese. Geez, constant struggle and thinking about food.
Hey, wait a minute! I just remembered I take my waist and hip measurement each month.
>>>>>>>I lost a half inch off both waist and hips. <<<<<<<<
So the ratio is still 97% :(
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Hike on Snoqualmie Winery Road
This hike connects to the Rattlesnake Ledge Hike, but we didn't quite make it far enough to connect. I liked this hike because there was plenty of clearing which gave us a spectacular view of Tiger and Taylor mountains. We heard that familiar screech and looked up to see a bald eagle gliding above. This mountain had been logged many years ago, and seeing all the new growth and variety of plants is fun. There are some we couldn't identify so I have to look the up (didn't have my camera with me -- that needs to be standard equipment from now on!) The vine maples are flaming red and glowing amber.
The scale was down a pound this morning and my blood sugar is back down to around 100 after last week's cold and eating a few too many carbs. So I'm working hard to eat less and get some more weight off! Oh yah, and exercise more. I have to stop telling myself I hate the elliptical.
I love the elliptical. I love the stair master. I love the skating machine. I love the stationary bike.
The scale was down a pound this morning and my blood sugar is back down to around 100 after last week's cold and eating a few too many carbs. So I'm working hard to eat less and get some more weight off! Oh yah, and exercise more. I have to stop telling myself I hate the elliptical.
I love the elliptical. I love the stair master. I love the skating machine. I love the stationary bike.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Week 11: +2, Total 17
I ate out last week and just had a little of this and that. Hopefully things will go back down again.
I've missed my hikes a couple weeks in a row now too. So I need to bump up the workouts. At least do 4 good high intensity workouts a week.
My blood sugar was 124 one day. I had a good workout that night. The next day, fbs was down to 111. So I know exercise is very effective for getting that down for me. I was looking at my journal and when I hit 85, I had done a nice long bike ride the previous day.
I've had some carb creep and nuts so I'm going to keep an eye on that. Things are heating up at work so I have to make sure make time to get to the gym after work. It's good to work out the stress (not bad stress, just good stress). I would so love to get back to playing tennis because I'm not that crazy about just doing an elliptical by myself. I quit tennis because of heel pain. I suspect that high blood sugar was partly to blame. I'll have a little surgery for a meniscus tear and then I hope to be ready to play next spring.
So that's how I can make it through elliptical: it's bringing blood sugars down, weight down and good training to get back into tennis!
I've missed my hikes a couple weeks in a row now too. So I need to bump up the workouts. At least do 4 good high intensity workouts a week.
My blood sugar was 124 one day. I had a good workout that night. The next day, fbs was down to 111. So I know exercise is very effective for getting that down for me. I was looking at my journal and when I hit 85, I had done a nice long bike ride the previous day.
I've had some carb creep and nuts so I'm going to keep an eye on that. Things are heating up at work so I have to make sure make time to get to the gym after work. It's good to work out the stress (not bad stress, just good stress). I would so love to get back to playing tennis because I'm not that crazy about just doing an elliptical by myself. I quit tennis because of heel pain. I suspect that high blood sugar was partly to blame. I'll have a little surgery for a meniscus tear and then I hope to be ready to play next spring.
So that's how I can make it through elliptical: it's bringing blood sugars down, weight down and good training to get back into tennis!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Week 10: -4, Total 19

Woohoo! I'm back in action. After my potato chip incident, last Sunday, I was kind of hungry for the next few days. But I stuck with it and am much less hungry now.
I've had a bad cold, so that probably helped me not eat. I haven't had many colds in the last several years. Maybe it was punishment for eating the potato chips.
Some of the things I ate last week: fajita skillets (just the chicken, peppers and onions with some cheese), tuna salad with cucumber and mache (lambs lettuce), grass-fed rib steak, cod and bok choy soup. I also made some low carb cheese cake, but just had small amounts.
My blood sugar was 127 this morning and was 116 yesterday. Maybe my cold or lack of exercise is why it is so high?
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Voila! down a pound
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Week 9: Gained 1!
Uh oh. Now how can I wriggle out of this one? I have to face it. I had a bag of potato chips and a candy bar on Sunday. I don't know why. I had actually gone down a pound earlier in the week. A couple of people have noticed that I look better. So why would I slip back to old habits? I don't know.
Other than that cheat, I'm eating how I was eating for the first couple of months for the challenge when I lost about 2 pounds each week. About 30g carbs daily, 6 oz meat for lunch and dinner and 3 eggs for breakfast. Plus the supplements including fish oil. Ok, I probably exceeded the portion amounts sometimes in the last couple of weeks. So I will pay closer attention to measurements.
There is no way I'm giving up on this. I will do it. I CAN and I WILL.
Other than that cheat, I'm eating how I was eating for the first couple of months for the challenge when I lost about 2 pounds each week. About 30g carbs daily, 6 oz meat for lunch and dinner and 3 eggs for breakfast. Plus the supplements including fish oil. Ok, I probably exceeded the portion amounts sometimes in the last couple of weeks. So I will pay closer attention to measurements.
There is no way I'm giving up on this. I will do it. I CAN and I WILL.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Week 8: Lost 0, Total 15

I've updated my goal to what my ultimate goal is. 150 will put me out of the overweight classification on the BMI charts.
Didn't lose weight this week. Had a little clam chowder and even a few french fries when my Mom and I went to lunch! That was my first cheat meal in two months and I hope it's my last. It just was not worth it. It is not fun to gain back what I worked so hard to lose.
For Month 2, I lost an additional inch off my hips and a half an inch off my waist.
I made something a little different for dinner.
Lamb and chantrelle skillet
Sautee crimini and chantrelle mushrooms. Remove from pan.
Sautee sliced leeks then add 4 cloves garlic.
Add ground lamb
Add 2Tbsp fresh thyme. Salt and pepper to taste.
When lamb is almost done, add back mushrooms. Stir for a few minutes.
I then had some homemade gelatin with sf raspberry syrup, plus some cream.
Good stuff.
Friday, September 22, 2006
True confession - sugar free treats.
I'm going to confess now that my fbs went up to 98. I got a maltitol-sweetened nut thingy and ate the whole thing. A few days ago I had some sf carmel pudding. This is the ready-to-eat pudding in 4 little containers. I hope I can learn some day to eat just one at a time. But I ate all 4 that night. So I'll just stick with the sf jello as my only treat.
I have not gained weight yet, but I haven't lost either this week.
I have a hike planned today and the weather looks good for another bike ride on Sunday. I'll keep my carbs under 30 as usual and eat about 6oz protein for dinner along with my usual 3 omega-3 eggs for breakfast. I've been having some cheese in an omelet for breakfast and I will skip the cheese if I don't start losing.
I skipped lunch Friday and I may continue to eat about 2 meals a day with no snacks. I won't eat before exercise in order to get extra fat burning. I have 4 days until Tuesday!
I have not gained weight yet, but I haven't lost either this week.
I have a hike planned today and the weather looks good for another bike ride on Sunday. I'll keep my carbs under 30 as usual and eat about 6oz protein for dinner along with my usual 3 omega-3 eggs for breakfast. I've been having some cheese in an omelet for breakfast and I will skip the cheese if I don't start losing.
I skipped lunch Friday and I may continue to eat about 2 meals a day with no snacks. I won't eat before exercise in order to get extra fat burning. I have 4 days until Tuesday!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Week 7: Lost 3, Total 15

I’m happy with 3 pounds down this week. I’ve been through the intermittent fasting for 6 days now. So that is 3 full days of fasting. I’ve proven that I could do it and I’ve achieved my goal of NORMAL BLOOD SUGAR at 85. So I will discontinue 24 hours on/off IF scenario for now. I will continue to eat very low carb and even skip meals if I’m not hungry. No big deal now. I guess fasting can be used to get hunger back in control or if I go out for dinner and eat a few things I shouldn’t. There is still more to learn about it.
I had a good workout at the gym Monday. I kept rests between the weight exercises to less than one minute. I did some squat/presses in between to get my heart rate up. I went through chest press, flys, one-arm rows, abs on the ball and lunges in 30 minutes. I did kinda-slow (not quite the 10 count superslow) and used heavy enough weights so that I couldn’t do more than 8-12 reps. I did 2 sets of most of them. I may do a similar workout on Wednesday night, but work different muscle groups. I’m not very fond of just doing cardio for an hour!
Next week for the Week 8 checkin, I'll take my waist and hip measurements. :)
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Fasting Blood Sugar at 85

I saw my first fasting blood sugar at 85 this morning! It was 98 on Friday. I also lost 3 pounds. I had a late ‘lunch’ if you can call it that at 8pm last night so I will wait until 8pm tonight to eat dinner. That’s about my usual time anyway. I'm still eating my usual low carb meals. Yesterday, I had asparagus and steak for dinner and an omelet for late breakfast.
My clothing is getting much loser. I may look like a bum with baggy pants for a while. :) Fortunately, I make my pants with drawstrings and can tighten them up. I will take the side seams in a little. I’ll put some vertical darts in the back of my shirts. The weather has gotten colder now, so I’m doing the layered look with a loose shirt over a t-shirt.
Since my hiking buddy was out of town for our usual Friday hike, I did a bike ride on Saturday along the Lake Sammamish old railroad trail. My timing was perfect, because I met a new biking/hiking buddy! She is new in town and was looking for the trail and saw me taking my bike off my bike rack. We rode together and chatted the whole time. At the end, I gave her my phone and email so that we can do a hike or bike ride. She teaches biology at the high school. I was hoping to find someone to do something with on Sundays so that works perfect for her. She rode on further north and I headed back. The smell of blackberries along the trail was heavenly so I had a few. Oh my they were good.
This is a picture of butterfly weed that I planted in my garden. I hope it comes back next year, but I think the slugs enjoy it too much. I had lots of butterflies this summer. One day there was about 5 of them parading back and forth through my yard.

Friday, September 15, 2006
Diet Tweak 2 - Intermittent Fasting
I read Dr. Mike's blog Thursday morning about intermittent fasting and decided on the spot to give it a try. I had eaten breakfast, so I didn’t eat the rest of the day and just ate this morning after an hour of weight training. I can’t believe I didn’t pass out or fall over dead! I felt just fine, actually, and drank my usual water along with two cups of green tea. It sounds radical and crazy, but Dr. Mike makes a pretty good case for all the health benefits. Eating only meat and fat sounds crazy too, but I learned we don’t need carbs either. There is less hunger that way. I love veggies and I don’t feel they are bad for me, but I don’t worry about having them at every meal. I made a red bell pepper and cabbage slaw with a wasabi mayonnaise that was so good.
In studies, health benefits of IF include improved weight control, insulin resistance, blood sugar, hypertension, bacterial and viral infectious diseases, chronic sinusitis and autoimmune disorders. There were many responses to Dr. Mike’s article. Fred Hahn asked whether we would waste muscle. But Dr. Mike answered that since you don’t fast for more than about 24 hours at a time, this shouldn’t happen.
My blood sugar was about the same as usual - 98. I'll give this a try and see if I can get that lower. I had gained 2 pounds earlier this week, but they are gone this morning. I had been eating a little more last week and enjoying my last bottle of Carb Options Barbeque Sauce with smoked chicken and some country pork ribs.
This is the suggested rotation which means you always eat at least once each day and don't go much beyond 24 hours of fasting. When I eat, I plan on just eating what I usually eat.
day 1 : eat bf & lunch = eat before 6 pm
day 2: eat dinner = start eating after 6 pm
day 3: eat bf & lunch = eat before 6 pm
day 4: like day 2... rinse & repeat.
basically dinner-bf-lunch/ - - - /
In studies, health benefits of IF include improved weight control, insulin resistance, blood sugar, hypertension, bacterial and viral infectious diseases, chronic sinusitis and autoimmune disorders. There were many responses to Dr. Mike’s article. Fred Hahn asked whether we would waste muscle. But Dr. Mike answered that since you don’t fast for more than about 24 hours at a time, this shouldn’t happen.
My blood sugar was about the same as usual - 98. I'll give this a try and see if I can get that lower. I had gained 2 pounds earlier this week, but they are gone this morning. I had been eating a little more last week and enjoying my last bottle of Carb Options Barbeque Sauce with smoked chicken and some country pork ribs.
This is the suggested rotation which means you always eat at least once each day and don't go much beyond 24 hours of fasting. When I eat, I plan on just eating what I usually eat.
day 1 : eat bf & lunch = eat before 6 pm
day 2: eat dinner = start eating after 6 pm
day 3: eat bf & lunch = eat before 6 pm
day 4: like day 2... rinse & repeat.
basically dinner-bf-lunch/ - - - /
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Week 6: Lost 2, Total 12

Yay, still consistently losing each week. I tried the Omega-3 tweaks. But I ate larger portions of meat and a lot of green beans a few times as well as some fruit and cheese. I also had some pork ribs with the last of my Carb Options barbeque sauce. I don't think they make it anymore. I have to be careful to not let my eating get out of control.
I got some grass-fed round roast and it came out tender for a change. I baked it at 275 almost covered with water for about 3 hours. Next time, I will get some burgundy wine to add. I reduced the broth and boy was that good. I froze the sliced meat and broth in individual serving sizes.
This is my second week back to work and I'm enjoying it. I've been good about packing my lunch and my gym bag and working out at the gym a couple nights a week. Monday night I do weights and Wednesday I do just cardio and a few abs. I went to get on what I thought was an elliptical and I guess it was some machine that simulates skating. My outer thighs are sore today. It was fun, though. On Wednesday, I'll probably do about 10 minutes each of the skating thing, elliptical and maybe back to skating or even the bike. I really don't like these things, but the days are getting too short to walk outside. I may try the new rowing class at the gym.
I'm at my lowest weight since I can't remember when. My watch is getting loser. My blood sugar has still been under 100, but not down to 83 yet. I'm still working on that.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Diet and supplement tweaks - Omega 3

I love seeing this ticker now and couldn't wait for Tuesday. I'm almost half way to my mini-goal of 215. My longer term goal is to get to about 150 pounds.
I've tweaked my diet and supplements this week, based on the success of Regina and Jimmy. I have already used these supplements in the past, but I guess I stopped them for a while. I'm taking fish oil and natural E, chromium, L-carnitine, acetyl-L-carnitine, L-glutamine, r-ALA, borage oil, glucosamine/chondroitin, CoQ10, magnesium, D and a multi. I guess I stopped these for a few weeks, because they may not be necessary and I don't want to rely soley on them. I think leaving bad stuff out of my diet is more important as well as eating the most nutritient dense foods. But I'm ready for a boost. My blood sugar finally has dipped below 100 and I want to get it to 83 consistently.
I love salmon, and I have been eating grass-fed beef grown here in Washington State. So I've just bought more of that as well as the omega-3 eggs. The basis of these tweaks is to improve the ratio of Omega-3 fatty acids compared to 6 and 9's. I've read Dr. Mary Enig's Know your Fats. I love her research because I love butter and she says butter is health food! When butter comes from grass-fed cows, it is golden yellow and has lots of vitamins A and D as well as some CLA. I've been getting KerryGold butter from Ireland. Sometimes I take a teaspoon and just let it melt in my mouth. Who needs the popcorn, when the butter is the part that tastes good?
I did some research on dietary fats and how they are metabolized. So many of the low carb books focus on excess carbohydrate getting stored as fat and I understand that. But excess fat gets stored as fat too, even though it doesn't seem to need insulin. I limit myself to about 4 Tablespoons of fat per day besides what comes naturally in meats. That's still pretty generous! My main fats are butter, olive oil and coconut oil.
Well, my hiking buddy is out of town so I need to get my butt in gear this weekend. I have a big pile of compost that needs to be spread in the garden, so that should burn off a few calories.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Week 5: Lost 3, Total 10

I lost 3 pounds early this week! Woo hoo! I would love to keep losing 1-2 pounds each week with no plateaus.
My energy was a little zapped so I had some protein powder after working out. Eating right has become so easy for me. I cannot take it for granted though. My friend was talking about a homemade huckleberry pie with cinnamon and sugar on top. It sounded good but I had no desire at all to eat it.
I made some marinated chicken breast and then marinated some flank steak in the same type of soy sauce, sherry, garlic and red pepper flakes marinade. For some salad dressing I made a wasabi mayonnaise with soy sauce and toasted sesame oil. That was really good!
I made several servings of the chicken and flank steak and froze them in small packages to take to work. I’ve been packing my lunch for work which includes salad, dressing and one of the meat packages. I also pack my gym bag to stop on the way home a couple of nights a week. Monday is weight training on my own and Wednesday is mostly cardio and abs. On Friday morning, I workout with my friends and a trainer.
I’ve still been at around 30g carbs daily.
2 – 1 hour weight training sessions
1 hour step aerobics
3 hour hike
Blood sugar has been around 103 in the mornings.
Weight: 235. Lost 3 pounds this week for a total of 10 in 5 weeks.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Rattlesnake Hike - with Pictures
We had to do this beautiful hike again since it was a clear day with almost no clouds. I'm sure we'll come back in September and October because the mountain is full of big leaf maples and vine maples which turn glorious colors in the fall.
This is a view from about a half mile up. The lake is part of the water supply for Seattle.
This is a view from about a half mile up. The lake is part of the water supply for Seattle.
This is a view from the top of Rattlesnake Mountain, about 2 miles up, and my good hiking buddy, Sharon. I got a blister on my heel and bless her heart she had a big bandage just the right size! Then later my water bottle leaked in my backpack and drowned my cell phone. I was planning to buy a new one anyway. Luckily, I had my camera out so it didn't get wet.
Old tree with roots by the lake.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Week 4: Lost 1, Total 7

I gained one pound early in the week and lost it after the hike. I had gained because I made some coconut macaroons with 1 cup coconut, 2 egg whites and some splenda. It was just something to do since I had the day off. It made 6 servings and I wrapped and froze 4 of them and ate 2. But the next day, I ate all 4. So I haven’t learned any control yet! Otherwise, I haven’t been that hungry and no cravings. I did think some potato chips would taste awfully good. All I can think of is this is the most important thing I have to do right now.
Otherwise, I ate the usual things. I have eaten more than 6 oz of protein a few times so I probably need to watch that. I have been having some sugar free Jello.
Here’s my formula:
3 eggs for breakfast cooked in butter
2 cups salad/raw veggies for lunch plus 2 TBSP olive oil or mayo dressing
1 cup cooked veggies for dinner, such as roasted asparagus and cauliflower or cooked green beans with some olive oil or butter
6 oz of protein such as chicken, beef, fish for lunch and dinner
2 – 1 hour weight training sessions
1 hour step aerobics
3 hour hike
Blood sugar has been 95-108 in the mornings.
Waist to Hip Ratio: 96% down from 97%. Lost 1 inch off my waist and ½ inch off my hips!
Weight: 238. Lost 1 pound this week for a total of 7 in 4 weeks.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Rattlesnake Ledge Hike
We hiked Rattlesnake Ledge Hike in North Bend on Friday. It was a beautiful clear day -- now why didn't I bring my camera? From now on, it stays in my backpack ready to go. We'll definitely do this one again. The leaves on the vine maples are beginning to turn color a little.
We saw a little garter snake coiled up enjoying the warm sunshine at the top of the mountain. I'm sure glad it wasn't a rattlesnake. We don't really have rattlers in western Washington, so I don't know how this lake got it's name.
There were quite a few other people on the trail with happy kids and happy dogs. All breeds of dogs!
The payoff: What a view from the top of the mountain of the lake below. The water was turquoise.
I sure hope to improve my hiking time as I lose weight. This 4-mile trail should have taken about 2 hours round trip. But it took us about 3 hours.
We saw a little garter snake coiled up enjoying the warm sunshine at the top of the mountain. I'm sure glad it wasn't a rattlesnake. We don't really have rattlers in western Washington, so I don't know how this lake got it's name.
There were quite a few other people on the trail with happy kids and happy dogs. All breeds of dogs!
The payoff: What a view from the top of the mountain of the lake below. The water was turquoise.
I sure hope to improve my hiking time as I lose weight. This 4-mile trail should have taken about 2 hours round trip. But it took us about 3 hours.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Week 3: Lost 2, Total 6

I’ve gotten into the groove, Jimmy!
I had a pretty good week. I settled into an eating routine so I no longer use FitDay. My net carbs are probably close to 20. I wrote in Jimmy’s column on Thursday that I was very hungry at dinner a couple of times so I added a snack of a hardboiled egg in the afternoon. But since Friday, I have not been that hungry at dinner so I’m not having the snack anymore. Although I did take a teaspoon of butter one evening and just let it melt on my tongue. mmmm, butter!
I’m feeling great and can notice my face, neck and chest have lost some weight. I would like to see baggy pants next! I’m dreaming of new clothes already.
I ate lunch out on Saturday and had melt-in-your-mouth brisket and salad.
I ate breakfast out on Sunday and asked for a cheese omelet without the sides. The waitress insisted on bringing me a fresh fruit bowl. It looked pretty good and I tasted one banana slice. Of course, the other choices I turned down were hashbrowns, pancakes, toast and big fluffy biscuits! Oh well. That stuff isn’t for me.
3 eggs for breakfast cooked in butter
Or 2 eggs and homemade breakfast sausage with ground pork
6-8oz protein and 2-3 cups vegetables for lunch and dinner
Hamburger patty and roasted asparagus
Salmon or tuna and salad
Chicken thighs and green beans with butter
Green chile chili with a little sour cream
Curry chicken breast and roasted cauliflower
Herb and garlic ground turkey with sauteed mushrooms
I should have done a few more walks, but made excuses that the weather was hot.
My hiking buddy was out of town so I skipped the hike this week.
Bike ride
1 hour step aerobics
2 – 1 hour weight training
Blood sugar has been 93 – 108 in the mornings. Lower after a day of exercising.
Weight: 239 – lost 2 this week for a total of 6 down!
Friday, August 18, 2006
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it!' Begin it now.”
This is my favorite inspirational quote. I always thought it was Goethe, but someone else may have said some it before him. Oh well, it’s good just the same.
I’ve always been timid and lacked self confidence. I hated that! So I started to just pretend I could do something even though I was afraid. “Fake it till you make it” I guess. It works!
I’ve had so many diet failures over the years that I hesitated to sign up for Jimmy’s 30-in-30 challenge and make that commitment. I didn’t think it through – I just acted. Now I’ve met others doing the challenge who struggle just like me. I’ve told some of my friends and family that I’m doing this challenge and they help me by bringing low carb treats to parties (tomato slices with goat cheese, mmm), choosing restaurants with healthy food and doing activities like hiking and bike riding.
Here is the full quote:
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-- Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now."
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Week 2: Lost 4, Total 4

No cheats this week! I had some thoughts about buttered popcorn and French fries, but I didn’t feel compelled to act on those thoughts. I’m getting excited to see some progress. It will happen.
I am planning to cut out cheese for a while. I have thought for a while that it might be preventing me from losing weight. Jonny’s boot camp doesn’t allow cheese. So I will try it.
I eat 3 meals a day and rarely snack.
Breakfast is usually 3 eggs fried in butter and some black coffee.
At lunches and dinners, I usually have around 6 oz protein and either 2 cups salad or 1 cup cooked vegetable. I use a little butter on cooked vegetables and olive oil and/or mayo on salads.
Sample lunch and dinners:
Asian chicken soup with chicken, bok choy, cilantro and green beans.
Ground pork stir fry with bean sprouts and green beans.
Hamburger patty with cheese and roasted asparagus
Salmon and roasted cauliflower
Tuna salad with cucumber, romaine lettuce, left over green beans, olive oil and garlic
Green chile Chili with ground turkey, celery, zucchini and green peppers.
Pizza salad with pepperoni, provolone cheese, romaine lettuce, olive oil and fresh oregano.
3 hour hike
2 mile walk
1 hour of aerobics – step and elliptical combo
2-1 hour sessions of weight training
Avg Net Carbs: 22
Avg Calories: 1650
This next one is embarrasing to post, but what the hey!
Waist to Hip Ratio: 97% Should be closer to 80%
Blood Sugar: 95! Was 142 last week.
Weight: 241 - lost 4 this week!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Mt Si Hike
On Friday afternoon, I went on a 3-hour hike with my friend and her daughter on Mt Si in Northbend, Washington. It was a gorgeous day and just under 70 degrees. It was quite a gain in elevation and very rocky there. Beautiful dense forest, fungi growing on the trees and sword fern everywhere.
We heard and finally caught a glimpse of a hawk who was chasing a smaller bird. We are not sure what type of hawk. It was smaller than a red-tailed hawk, but still made that 'tseear' sound.
The wild blackberries are so ripe right now. I lost count, but I probably had about 30 of them! So I did go over my carbs but I'm sure the hike compensated. My blood sugar was down to 95 on Saturday morning! I've had those hypoglycemic feelings in the past between meals and sometimes after exercising hard. So I did have some cheese and an Atkins canned shake with me. But I didn't need them. I think my body is more adapted to eating low carbs now and adjusting to more normal blood sugars.
I think I've lost a few pounds so I'm excited to check in on Tuesday on Jimmy Moore's Low carb weightloss challenge site.
We heard and finally caught a glimpse of a hawk who was chasing a smaller bird. We are not sure what type of hawk. It was smaller than a red-tailed hawk, but still made that 'tseear' sound.
The wild blackberries are so ripe right now. I lost count, but I probably had about 30 of them! So I did go over my carbs but I'm sure the hike compensated. My blood sugar was down to 95 on Saturday morning! I've had those hypoglycemic feelings in the past between meals and sometimes after exercising hard. So I did have some cheese and an Atkins canned shake with me. But I didn't need them. I think my body is more adapted to eating low carbs now and adjusting to more normal blood sugars.
I think I've lost a few pounds so I'm excited to check in on Tuesday on Jimmy Moore's Low carb weightloss challenge site.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
First day out to lunch - made it!
I went with some girlfriends out to lunch and then through the Nordic museum near Seattle today. At the little cafe, I didn't really see a low carb type of salad. So I asked if I could get a side salad with some chicken. They said no problem.
Lesson: if you don't see what you want on the menu, just ask. Most places are very helpful.
We then went to Starbucks and I would have loved a Frappuccino (iced coffee with lots-o sugar). Once again, I didn't notice anything on the menu that was sugarfree so I asked if they made any iced coffee with the sugar free syrups. They did! So I got an iced coffee with sf hazelnut syrup and then I added some half-and-half.
I stayed under 30grams of carbs today and had about 1700 calories.
I have had no snacks for the last several days outside of breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am just not hungry between meals. We saw lots of Nordic pastries at the museum and I sure would have loved something. But I'm aware now there is a difference between having the wonderful memories of how it used to taste and what I may and may not put in my mouth now. My friends were talking about the garlic french fries they had had the previous night. Then we drove past a McDonalds and all I could think of was having some fries. But I did not actually want them. I did not act on the feeling as I would have in the past.
I listened to Dr. Jonny Bowden's CDs again this week. I heard some things I didn't remember hearing before. Maybe he's helping me to be strong and believe I can do this or maybe it is something else. But I want it to continue.
Lesson: if you don't see what you want on the menu, just ask. Most places are very helpful.
We then went to Starbucks and I would have loved a Frappuccino (iced coffee with lots-o sugar). Once again, I didn't notice anything on the menu that was sugarfree so I asked if they made any iced coffee with the sugar free syrups. They did! So I got an iced coffee with sf hazelnut syrup and then I added some half-and-half.
I stayed under 30grams of carbs today and had about 1700 calories.
I have had no snacks for the last several days outside of breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am just not hungry between meals. We saw lots of Nordic pastries at the museum and I sure would have loved something. But I'm aware now there is a difference between having the wonderful memories of how it used to taste and what I may and may not put in my mouth now. My friends were talking about the garlic french fries they had had the previous night. Then we drove past a McDonalds and all I could think of was having some fries. But I did not actually want them. I did not act on the feeling as I would have in the past.
I listened to Dr. Jonny Bowden's CDs again this week. I heard some things I didn't remember hearing before. Maybe he's helping me to be strong and believe I can do this or maybe it is something else. But I want it to continue.
Calculating Protien Amounts
I strictly followed low carb at 20-30grams daily for a few months earlier this year. I lost 10 pounds and then stayed the same for 5 weeks. When I plugged in some menus into FitDay, I realized I was eating too much protein and over 2200 calories. I sometimes ate almost a pound of steak! So this time, I am going to more carefully measure my serving of protein.
According to Protein Power Lifeplan based on my weight, height, my minimum protein should be 40 grams of protein at each meal. Their chart translates this to about 6 oz of meat, fish or poultry or 6 eggs. I usually eat 3 eggs for breakfast. I'm going to try to eat no more than 6 oz for lunch and dinner.
Last night, I had bought a little over 3 pounds of ground beef. Using a calculator, I divided 6 oz into the exact weight and came up with 9 servings. So I seasoned the ground beef with garlic powder, seasoning salt and some dill. I made 9 balls evenly sized and flattened them out. I baked them at 375 for about 30 minutes total, flipping once. I froze the rest.
After I ate the one burger patty with salad, I really wanted to have a half of another one. But I washed dishes and got busy with other things. After an hour or so, I realized I no longer wanted more!
My carbs have been a little under 30 and my calories have been 1600 to 1800.
My morning fasting blood sugar was down to 119 this morning.
According to Protein Power Lifeplan based on my weight, height, my minimum protein should be 40 grams of protein at each meal. Their chart translates this to about 6 oz of meat, fish or poultry or 6 eggs. I usually eat 3 eggs for breakfast. I'm going to try to eat no more than 6 oz for lunch and dinner.
Last night, I had bought a little over 3 pounds of ground beef. Using a calculator, I divided 6 oz into the exact weight and came up with 9 servings. So I seasoned the ground beef with garlic powder, seasoning salt and some dill. I made 9 balls evenly sized and flattened them out. I baked them at 375 for about 30 minutes total, flipping once. I froze the rest.
After I ate the one burger patty with salad, I really wanted to have a half of another one. But I washed dishes and got busy with other things. After an hour or so, I realized I no longer wanted more!
My carbs have been a little under 30 and my calories have been 1600 to 1800.
My morning fasting blood sugar was down to 119 this morning.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
My before picture
Monday, August 07, 2006
My Eating Plan
Wanted to mention what kind of eating plan I follow. I try to stay around 30g of carbs daily in the form of about 3 cups of low-starch vegetables. I have some cheese and other dairy, but I try to have small amounts and have days where I have none. I avoid grains and starches. Once in a while I may get some Wasa light rye, but I end up eating too many slathered with butter. I have an over-eating problem as well as a carb addiction. I don't drink diet pop any more - just lots of water. I try to limit eating anything sweetened or artifically sweetened because again, that is an addiction.
I started Atkins back in July 2002 when it regained popularity. I read the whole book and cleaned out my cupboards and fridge. No more microwave popcorn every night! I lost 16 pounds in about 6 weeks. My blood sugar came way down and I stopped taking metformin. I started researching more about whether low carb diets were healthy or not. I have never found anything research to say it is unhealthy. In fact, I found just the opposite. But I didn't stick with it long enough to lose more weight. I gained about 10 pounds back.
I rediscovered Dr. Richard K. Bernstein who wrote "Diabetes Solution". He recommends eating 6/12/12 carbs for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a total of 30g of carbs daily. I actually read his book back in 1996 after I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but I guess I thought it was too radical. His feisty attitude comes through in his book. The recipes in the book are really good too!
My other main favorite is Protein Power and Protein Power LifePlan by Dr. Mike and Dr. Mary Dan Eades. They explain how excess insulin is the culprit in many of our modern diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and certain cholesterol numbers as high triglycerides and low HDL.
Another expert I like to read is Dr. Mary Enig who says butter is health food (I love butter!). I bought the Nourishing Traditions cookbook co-written by Sally Fallon. The book is full of great recipes and many nuggets of good information about health.
There are many more blogs and articles on the internet that I read almost daily.
I started Atkins back in July 2002 when it regained popularity. I read the whole book and cleaned out my cupboards and fridge. No more microwave popcorn every night! I lost 16 pounds in about 6 weeks. My blood sugar came way down and I stopped taking metformin. I started researching more about whether low carb diets were healthy or not. I have never found anything research to say it is unhealthy. In fact, I found just the opposite. But I didn't stick with it long enough to lose more weight. I gained about 10 pounds back.
I rediscovered Dr. Richard K. Bernstein who wrote "Diabetes Solution". He recommends eating 6/12/12 carbs for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a total of 30g of carbs daily. I actually read his book back in 1996 after I was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, but I guess I thought it was too radical. His feisty attitude comes through in his book. The recipes in the book are really good too!
My other main favorite is Protein Power and Protein Power LifePlan by Dr. Mike and Dr. Mary Dan Eades. They explain how excess insulin is the culprit in many of our modern diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity and certain cholesterol numbers as high triglycerides and low HDL.
Another expert I like to read is Dr. Mary Enig who says butter is health food (I love butter!). I bought the Nourishing Traditions cookbook co-written by Sally Fallon. The book is full of great recipes and many nuggets of good information about health.
There are many more blogs and articles on the internet that I read almost daily.
Week 1
Yay - a no cheat week! Ate no sugar, grains or starch. No weightloss yet, but I sure feel great.
I received Jonny Bowden's CDs, "Change Your Body, Change Your Life" on July 29th and have listened to them all twice. I like the idea of training myself to make the right choices. I keep my word and commitment to other people, I need to keep my word to myself.
During our weekly hike, we were talking about ice cream the whole way. After the hike, I was tempted to go through McDonalds drive through window for an ice cream cone. I even drove about 2 miles there. But I successfully talked myself out of it and just drove on by!
These are some of the foods and meals I had this week.
Usually eggs for breakfast, sometimes a little ham or sausage.
Made a fish soup with cod, bok choy and cilantro.
Caesar salad with lemon chicken breast
Steak, Heirloom tomatoes, grilled asparagus.
low carb egg custard made with coconut milk and sugar free splenda syrup.
a few almonds and walnuts
2 mile walk
4 mile hike
No weight training - my trainer was on vacation. I should have gone to the gym on my own!
Blood sugar: dropped from 162 to 142.
Weight: 245 (no change)
I received Jonny Bowden's CDs, "Change Your Body, Change Your Life" on July 29th and have listened to them all twice. I like the idea of training myself to make the right choices. I keep my word and commitment to other people, I need to keep my word to myself.
During our weekly hike, we were talking about ice cream the whole way. After the hike, I was tempted to go through McDonalds drive through window for an ice cream cone. I even drove about 2 miles there. But I successfully talked myself out of it and just drove on by!
These are some of the foods and meals I had this week.
Usually eggs for breakfast, sometimes a little ham or sausage.
Made a fish soup with cod, bok choy and cilantro.
Caesar salad with lemon chicken breast
Steak, Heirloom tomatoes, grilled asparagus.
low carb egg custard made with coconut milk and sugar free splenda syrup.
a few almonds and walnuts
2 mile walk
4 mile hike
No weight training - my trainer was on vacation. I should have gone to the gym on my own!
Blood sugar: dropped from 162 to 142.
Weight: 245 (no change)
Hike to Health - About me
I chose this name for my blog because hiking is one of my favorite activities to do in any kind of weather. I have struggled to improve my health over the years and hiking really helps. I've had type 2 diabetes since about 1996. I choose to manage it by following a low carb diet and exercise. I've been about 90 pounds overweight for about 25 years. I had some pain in my knees several years ago. But thanks to a low carb diet, weight training to build up my leg muscles and taking glucosamine and chondroitin, I have very little pain. I don't jog, but hiking up hills really gets my heart rate up with less strain in my knee joints. Going downhill doesn't bother me I think because of the muscles I've developed. Thank goodness I met a personal trainer about five and a half years ago who has become a great friend. I see her twice a week for a good workout. I have only cancelled out about twice in that time.
I have a hiking buddy. We have a standing date every Friday to do a two-hour hike. We live close to many hiking trails here in the Cascade Mountain range in Washington State.
I have a hiking buddy. We have a standing date every Friday to do a two-hour hike. We live close to many hiking trails here in the Cascade Mountain range in Washington State.
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