Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hike on Snoqualmie Winery Road

This hike connects to the Rattlesnake Ledge Hike, but we didn't quite make it far enough to connect. I liked this hike because there was plenty of clearing which gave us a spectacular view of Tiger and Taylor mountains. We heard that familiar screech and looked up to see a bald eagle gliding above. This mountain had been logged many years ago, and seeing all the new growth and variety of plants is fun. There are some we couldn't identify so I have to look the up (didn't have my camera with me -- that needs to be standard equipment from now on!) The vine maples are flaming red and glowing amber.

The scale was down a pound this morning and my blood sugar is back down to around 100 after last week's cold and eating a few too many carbs. So I'm working hard to eat less and get some more weight off! Oh yah, and exercise more. I have to stop telling myself I hate the elliptical.

I love the elliptical. I love the stair master. I love the skating machine. I love the stationary bike.

1 comment:

mo-better43 said...

Hi Hike,

Wow, sounds like alot of fun and gets rid of that office stress. I've been having LOTS of that lately, and it hasn't helped my carb cravings either....I've been bad....but....I still reached a small goal of fitting into a size 12 jeans last week. Hope it continues.....just been feeling blah with the change of seasons coming so fast to winter.....