Yay, still consistently losing each week. I tried the Omega-3 tweaks. But I ate larger portions of meat and a lot of green beans a few times as well as some fruit and cheese. I also had some pork ribs with the last of my Carb Options barbeque sauce. I don't think they make it anymore. I have to be careful to not let my eating get out of control.
I got some grass-fed round roast and it came out tender for a change. I baked it at 275 almost covered with water for about 3 hours. Next time, I will get some burgundy wine to add. I reduced the broth and boy was that good. I froze the sliced meat and broth in individual serving sizes.
This is my second week back to work and I'm enjoying it. I've been good about packing my lunch and my gym bag and working out at the gym a couple nights a week. Monday night I do weights and Wednesday I do just cardio and a few abs. I went to get on what I thought was an elliptical and I guess it was some machine that simulates skating. My outer thighs are sore today. It was fun, though. On Wednesday, I'll probably do about 10 minutes each of the skating thing, elliptical and maybe back to skating or even the bike. I really don't like these things, but the days are getting too short to walk outside. I may try the new rowing class at the gym.
I'm at my lowest weight since I can't remember when. My watch is getting loser. My blood sugar has still been under 100, but not down to 83 yet. I'm still working on that.
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